Get to know...Jakub Mensik | ITF

Get to know...Jakub Mensik

Ross McLean

16 Nov 2022

Czech Republic’s Jakub Mensik made a blistering start to the 2022 season and reached the Australia Open boys’ final where he lost to Bruno Kuzuhara of the United States during a tense third-set decider.

While he has continued to play some junior tennis throughout the year, the 17-year-old’s focus has switched to professional tournaments and in February he claimed his first main draw match-win at an ITF World Tennis Tour event – M15 Sharm El-Sheikh.

Mensik has posted some impressive results since and in September he claimed the first professional title of his career when he conquered all before him at M15 Allershausen. He could well be one to watch one for in 2023.

As such, it’s time to get to know Jakub a little better.

Describe yourself in three words? 

Social, energetic, confident

Who was your tennis idol growing up? 

Novak Djokovic

What was your first tennis memory?

My first group tennis lesson on tennis courts in front of my house, when I was 5 years old

What has been the favourite match to watch? 

I loved watching Nick Kyrgios and Thanasi Kokkinakis win the Australian Open doubles title in front of a home crowd

Who has been your toughest opponent?

Dino Prizmic

What is your favourite Grand Slam and why? 

Australian Open, different mentality of people

What are your ambitions for the remainder of 2022?

On-court and off-court development, as much as I can

What is the best advice you have received? 

Head, heart, legs

Do you have any superstitions?

I have my daily routines after winning first round

Favourite sport other than tennis? 


Favourite team or individual within that sport? 

Golden State Warriors

Who has been your biggest inspiration?

Jaromir Jagr, Czech ice hockey player

Favourite person to follow on social media?

Khaby Lame

If you could have a conversation with anyone, past or present, who would it be and what would you ask them?

David Copperfield, how did he disappear? I have also many questions for Chuck Norris

What would your dream car be?

McLaren 570GT

What would be your favourite three-course meal? 

Prawns, BBQ Ribs and Tiramisu

What is your favourite film? 


What is your favourite book? 

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

What do you like to get up to when you’re not playing tennis? 

Spend time with friends

What annoys you most and why?

Mosquitoes when I’m sleeping

What music are you into and what’s your favourite tune?

Hip-Hop, Rap (Lose Yourself by Eminem)

What are you watching on Netflix or television currently?

The Watcher

Tell us something that people don’t know about you?

I can play drums and I’m an illusionist

Do you have a fear of anything?


Do you own a games console and what is your favourite game?

Yes, FIFA 23

Read more articles about Jakub Mensik