'As a new country, we need this': Kosovo host first ITF juniors event | ITF

'As a new country, we need this': Kosovo host first ITF juniors event

Ross McLean

16 Sep 2021

A new dawn has broken in Kosovo after the nation hosted its maiden ITF World Tennis Tour junior event, with the continued growth of tennis within the Balkan state the overriding mission for administrators there.

Peja, which is situated in the region of Rugova, was the venue for the J5 tournament which saw players from 19 countries compete across singles and doubles draws for both boys and girls.  

Greece’s Dimitris Paliouras and Jana Stojanova of Bulgaria prevailed in singles. Paliouras also teamed up with compatriot Evgenios Vasilakis to win the boys’ doubles as home favourite Vesa Gjinaj and North Macedonia’s Aleksandra Simeva claimed the girls’ title.

While the winners departed with silverware and ranking points, there is of course a deeper context to Kosovo staging this tournament. Shkelzen Domi, Director for Development at the Kosovo Tennis Federation, hopes the impact will be profound and wide-ranging.

“This tournament meant a lot for tennis in Kosovo,” said Domi. “Thirteen players from our country participated and had the opportunity to try themselves out against players from all over the world.

“It was also a benefit for our younger tennis players since they got to come and watch the tournament closely and experience the emotions of participating in such high-level tournaments like never before.

“This was one of the main reasons we requested the tournament be organised here, to motivate our players and to have the opportunity to exchange experiences between coaches and parents. As a new country, we need this very much.”

In the week preceding the ITF event, Peja also hosted a Tennis Europe under-16 tournament, suggesting further that the appetite to grow the game in Kosovo is strong, both from a National Association perspective and indeed player point of view.

Furthermore, following the success of J5 Peja, there is a clear desire within the Kosovo Tennis Federation for more ITF World Tennis Tour events to be held there, with capital city Pristina and Gjakova earmarked.

“I am so grateful that we were given the responsibility of organising the first ITF junior event in Kosovo and beyond proud that we completed it successfully,” added Domi, who also acted as the tournament director for J5 Peja.

“It was a big challenge but with great effort we managed to finish it successfully. We provided a great atmosphere with free ice cream, bananas, water and fruit juices for players, trainers and parents.

“We also helped and provided everyone with anything they needed, showing them the true hospitality that runs in our culture.

“It was delightful to receive multiple thank you messages from participants, and we are honoured to have made it a memorable experience for them. We are hopeful and seek to host as many successful tournaments in future.”