Ongoing situation regarding Peng Shuai and tennis in China | ITF

Ongoing situation regarding Peng Shuai and tennis in China

07 Dec 2021

Since Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai first posted her allegations, we have been active in our involvement to gain assurances of her safety and wellbeing, via the channels that are available to us.


The ITF has publicly stated its stand in support of women’s rights and that the allegations made by Peng Shuai must be addressed. Our primary concern continues to be to establish and ensure Peng Shuai’s safety and well-being. The ITF is supporting all efforts, publicly and behind the scenes, to that end.


Our actions are focussed on seeking these assurances and to act in her best interests.


It is important to note that:

·       The ITF is distinct from other tennis bodies in that the vast majority of our activity in China is focussed at the grassroots and development of the game.

·       The ITF’s mission and purpose is the development of tennis and the next generation of players, both recreational and professional.

·       No pro tennis men’s or women’s ITF World Tennis Tour tournaments have been hosted in China since January 2020 and there are currently none scheduled for 2022.


We support the activities of all our member national associations to grow the game of tennis and provide opportunities and a pathway for the best junior talent in each country including China. We will also continue our efforts to support those who remain concerned about Peng Shuai through all means available to us.