ITF statement: Padel | ITF

ITF statement: Padel

14 Nov 2022

The International Tennis Federation has released a statement following the outcome of the vote regarding Padel at the ITF AGM on Monday 14 November:

“Padel is currently one of the fastest growing sports in the world and many national tennis associations are involved in its development within their countries. As such, the International Tennis Federation (ITF) was asked by a number of its member nations to explore the need to support Padel in areas such as developing a global governance framework, international competition infrastructure and enabling equal opportunities for men and women.

“This work was undertaken and presented to the 2022 ITF Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Glasgow today. This allowed member associations to take a decision about whether they wished for the ITF to provide them with support to develop Padel on a global basis.

“While the majority of national tennis associations today voted for this, it was below the 2/3rds threshold that ITF governance rules require.

“Given the role many national tennis associations are playing in growing Padel, the ITF remains open to seeking to collaborate with stakeholders.”