ITF Rankings to be frozen | ITF

ITF Rankings to be frozen

20 Mar 2020

Following the extended suspension of professional tennis until 13 July 2020, the ITF World Tennis Ranking is being frozen in line with the ATP and WTA rankings.

The ATP, WTA and ITF are working together to determine the fairest way to re-introduce the rankings whenever professional tennis is resumed.

The ATP and WTA rankings were frozen with matches played in the interrupted week of 9 March, including ITF World Tennis Tour matches, counting towards the frozen ranking.

For more information click on the links below:

WTA - What does a frozen ranking mean?
ATP - New Fedex ATP rankings released and frozen

The World Tennis Tour Junior rankings, the UNIQLO Wheelchair Tennis Tour rankings, the Seniors Tennis Tour Rankings and the Beach Tennis World Tour rankings have also been frozen, with more details on their resumption to be provided in due course.