ITF Elections – how do they work?  | ITF

ITF Elections – how do they work? 

02 Jun 2023

The President of the International Tennis Federation and the 14 members of the Board of Directors will be elected at the 2023 ITF Annual General Meeting on 24 September 2023 in Cancun, Mexico. 

But how does the process work and what happens from here? 

Nomination Process 

On 31 March 2023, the ITF Presidential Office shared the Candidate Nomination Pack with National and Regional Associations. National Associations were invited to nominate as many or as few candidates as they wished before nominations closed on 24 May 2023 – four months before the ITF AGM. 

Presidential candidates had to be nominated by a National Association or the Board of Directors, though there was no requirement that the candidate was a citizen of the nominating nation – unlike Board Member candidates, who had to be nominated by their respective National Association.  

The role of President or member of the Board of Directors can be held for a maximum of three four-year terms, or a maximum of 12 years. 

From that point, the Election and Eligibility Panel – a sub-group of the ITF Ethics Commission – assumes responsibility for managing the election process.  

First, they will determine whether or not a nominated candidate is eligible for election in accordance with the ITF Constitution, before ensuring candidates’ compliance with the Candidate Rules.  

All eligible candidates will be profiled – along with the names of their nominating National Association – in the AGM agenda papers, issued no later than 30 days before the AGM (24 August 2023). 

The Election and Eligibility Panel is then responsible for overseeing the election itself on 24 September 2023, during the AGM, ensuring that the voting process takes place in accordance with the Constitution. 

Click here to read the Constitution and for more information about the ITF Ethics Commission, which upholds our commitment to integrity, governance and transparency. 

Voting process 

The President and 14 other members of the Board of Directors will be elected at the ITF AGM on 24 September 2023 in Cancun. All Class B nations will designate a voting delegate before the commencement of the AGM, during the registration process.

The elections are conducted through a secret ballot. This will be done by electronic voting in a system supplied by an independent service provider. 

The voting procedure will be overseen by the Election and Eligibility Panel and three scrutineers elected at the beginning of the AGM. 

Presidential vote 

During the Presidential election ballot, if one candidate receives more than 50% of the votes cast, they shall be declared elected.  

If no candidate receives more than fifty percent (50%) of the votes cast, a second ballot shall be held for the two candidates. If on this second ballot, a candidate receives more than fifty percent (50%) of the votes cast, they shall be declared elected. If no candidate receives more than fifty percent (50%) of the votes cast on this second ballot, a third ballot shall be held. On this third ballot, the candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. In the event that the two candidates in the third ballot receive an equal number of votes, there shall be a further ballot between those two candidates to determine the successful candidate. 

Board of Directors vote 

Voting delegates will be instructed to delete the names of the board member candidates they do not wish to elect. They will do this by selecting the names of the 14 candidates they wish to elect – no more, no less. The 14 candidates with the highest number of properly recorded votes to ensure sound geographical representation will be elected. 

The resulting Board of Directors will be made up of: 

  • One person from amongst Class B Members in Asia; 
  • One person from amongst Class B Members in South America; 
  • One person from amongst Class B Members in Africa; 
  • Two persons from amongst Class B Members in Europe; 
  • Two persons from amongst Class B Members in the group of countries comprising the United States of America, Canada, Mexico, the countries of Central America, Panama, the Isles of the Caribbean and Bermuda; 
  • If the above does not see three persons elected from the Class B Members with maximum shares (Australia, Great Britain, France, Germany and USA) - additional candidates from these Members will be elected to bring that total to three; 
  • Additional candidates elected to fill remaining places on the Board. Elected candidates will be from Class B Members and will have the greatest number of votes cast, once persons filling the above conditions have been elected. Subject to a limit of six persons from any of the regions listed above, and subject to a limit of two persons from any one Member; 
  • In the event that two or more candidates receive an equal number of votes, and that is material to determining which candidate is duly elected, there shall be a further election between those candidates only, to determine the successful candidate. 


Athlete Representatives vote 

Following the Presidential and Board of Directors elections, two Athlete Representatives – one male, one female – shall be appointed to the Board of Directors by the newly formed Board of Directors.